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Coffee formula that helps to control weight with only 45 calories/sachet.
Suitable for those who would like to take care their health with natural herbs.
100% made from natural herbs. Suitable for those who love the scent of
Chrysanthemum blending well with natural herbs and aroma scent.
100% made from natural herbs. Suitable for those who love green tea
flavor blending well with natural herbs and tender scent from honey lemon.
Because we understand you well than the others, Coffee save, has unique
formula with aroma and smooth taste that adding L-Carnitine and high in
vitamin B1, B2 and B6
100% made from natural herbs. Suitable for new generation or
those who just started to drink herb infusion with a nice sweet
blackcurrant scent.
Stevia leaves extract , sweetness from nature , will give you 0 calorie
which suitable for those who take care of their health, weight control
and diabetic.
Worry-free for all day meals with FITNE topping from white kidney bean
extract in top-up style to fill in your favorite food or drink even with your
high-carb menu. To be fit can be easy everywhere.
Sugar cane sugar substitute for high heat cooking.
Using to fill the sweetness to food or general drinks turning every
regular menu into healthy one.
Simple but Charming black coffee taste blending with Coenzyme Q10
and L-carnitine for utmost benefit for those who care about their health.
Getting fit and comfortable body feeling in top-up style by easily adding
to your favorite meal with full of fiber-filled which is good for your
excretory system. Anytime , you can get fit easily.
4 Natural Herbs in 1 capsule that effectively working together
for those who want to have fit health along with taking care
of excretory system.
100% made from natural herbs. Suitable for those who love the
classic character of herb infusion which contain 100% herb quality.
Well balanced of smooth taste just for you and adjust more richness
which well blend with no sugar sweetness , serving to you along with
collagen and high vitamin C.
Getting fit and firm all day with any meals with collagen in top-up style
by adding to your favorite meal and turn it into collagen-rich meal.
Anytime , you can get fit easily.
Instant Cocoa drink combines rich benefits of 5,000 mg of dietary fiber
per sachet as well as adding white kidney bean extract and L-glutathione
which has blended well with aroma, smooth taste and low fat.
Next innovation step in special instant coffee formula adding more
mulberry extract and high in vitamin A, promoting eyes vision.
Combining the benefit of 4,000 fibers, and sweetness without sugar